The fischertechnik Robotics TXT 4.0 Base set is the perfect start to programming like the professionals!
The models can be programmed and controlled with the graphical programming software ROBO Pro Coding and the ROBOTICS TXT 4.0 controller. Beginners can use ready-made sample programs, advanced and professionals can use directly in a block ly programming environment or get started in Python. Included are twelve exciting models and can be specifically expanded by four different add-ons.
Educational focal points: Regulation Analog and digital sensors Graphical programming data transfer Encryption and Decryption robotics
Extensive didactic concept including curricula 12 models 20 experiments 160 parts
1 x camera 1 x Ultrasonic Sensor 1 x Track Sensor 2 x key 1 x Phototransistor 2 x LEDs 2 x encoder motor 1 x TXT 4.0 controller