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Shipping Information for Parts

Why are the shipping costs for parts higher than just the postage?
We understand that it can be frustrating to pay shipping costs that seem higher than the value of the product itself. However, there are valid reasons why we cannot avoid this. Shipping a product, no matter how small or inexpensive, involves more costs than just the actual postage fee.

What factors are involved?
Warehouse processing – The product must be retrieved from the warehouse, inspected, and prepared for shipping. This takes time, labor, and therefore money.
Packaging materials – Even a small part needs protection, such as an envelope, a small box, bubble wrap, or a shipping bag. These materials cost money.
Administration & order processing – Every order must be entered into our system, a shipping label must be created, and the order must be properly documented.
Minimum shipping rates – Postal and parcel services have fixed rates, regardless of the product's value. Even a small shipment has a minimum cost.
Extra fees for small orders – When someone orders a single, low-cost part, we actually make a loss if we don’t charge a fee. Larger orders help distribute costs per product, but with small orders, this isn't possible.

What does this mean for you as a customer?
To ensure that we can continue offering and shipping products, we charge a fixed shipping fee. This helps cover the actual costs while maintaining a sustainable service.

We appreciate your understanding and remain committed to providing fast and reliable delivery!